SR-22 Insurance Cost

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How much does SR22 insurance cost?
Cost of SR22 insurance varies from company to company and state to state. You also need to keep in mind that an SR22 can increase your auto insurance premium upto 60%. The average cost for an SR22 insurance or car insurance after a DUI is $2,531 for full coverage and $1,079 for minimum required coverage.

If you need to get SR22 insurance and want to avoid the high costs, it’s best to browse around and get quotes from different insurance providers. Alternatively, you can also call us at our toll-free number 888-885-3948. One of our executives will help you get Free No-obligation SR-22 Quotes from top insurance providers. You can compare rates and save big.
Why is SR22 so expensive?
SR-22 is primarily required for high-risk drivers who have been recently convicted of a major driving violation, like DUI or reckless driving.

The filing fee for an SR22 is not very expensive as it can range between $15 to $50. However getting car insurance with an SR22 certificate increases your premium rate. The high cost is more likely due to the kind of violation for which you need to file an SR-22. A DUI, multiple traffic violations, or an accident with current insurance make you a high-risk driver and therefore your insurance rates increase.

One way to avoid spending more on your SR22 insurance is to shop online and look at SR22 insurance quotes from multiple auto insurance companies. You can call us at our toll-free number 888-885-3948 to speak with an executive who will help you get Free No-obligation SR-22 Quotes from top insurance providers. You can compare rates and choose the one that best suits your needs at the cost that you can afford.
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Do auto insurance rates go up after SR22 insurance?
Yes, after you have an SR22 certificate or after a DUI, your insurance rates can increase upto 60% or more. The average cost for an SR22 insurance or car insurance after a DUI is $2,531 which is $1,104 more than what you would pay for auto insurance without SR22 for full coverage.
How can I get Cheap SR22 Insurance?
The best way to find cheap SR22 insurance is to browse around and get quotes from different carriers. Compare rates and choose the one that fits your needs. You can call us at our toll-free number 888-885-3948 to speak to an executive who will help you get Free No-obligation SR-22 Quotes from top insurance companies so you can save big.
What is SR-22 Certificate?
An SR22 certificate is a form that is filed with the state (by the insurance provider) on behalf of the driver who was involved in a driving violation. An SR22 certificate of financial responsibility is a proof that the driver has the state-mandated minimum car insurance coverage needed to drive a vehicle.

When you get auto insurance with an SR22 certificate, your insurance company is guaranteeing the state that you are:
  • Maintaining the state mandated minimum insurance coverage
  • Financially responsible for any serious traffic related violations including accidents
  • In case you fail to maintain your SR22 insurance, your insurer will inform the state which may lead to license suspension.
    How to get SR22 insurance?
    You can only obtain SR22 insurance from an insurance provider after you purchase an auto insurance policy. You can't obtain an SR-22 any other way.

    If you have an existing auto insurance policy, you may be able to add the SR22 on and have it filed with the state.

    Usually, your insurance company will file the SR22 for you for a fee of $25 to $50. Also, note that an SR22 certificate will increase your premium rates. This is why it’s important to choose a provider that offers the best rate.

    Cost of SR22 insurance can vary from provider to provider and also from state to state. If you are looking for an SR22 insurance, it’s always a good idea to compare rates from multiple providers and choose the one that meets all your needs yet is very affordable.

    You can contact us today for a Free No-obligation SR-22 Quotes from top insurance providers and pick the one that best suits your need.
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